
  • Climbing Mount Kenya


    Climbing Mt Kenya is a spectacular walk up the beautiful Sirimon valley away from the main tourist route on Mount Kenya. The trek passes through a diverse range of vegetation and climate zones, from dense forest to tropical cactus plants to snow covered peaks within a relatively short distance.

  • Make no payments while you're in school

    Nam mattis luctus mauris. Nulla sodales accumsan semper. Ut lectus arcu, porta nec urna sit amet, placerat vestibulum quam. In pretium nunc eu purus sodales, in facilisis magna molestie.

    Donec hendrerit, purus nec blandit posuere, nisi justo tincidunt sapien, quis suscipit sapien lorem vitae nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce non dignissim leo.

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